Monday, October 23, 2006

This weekend...

Well I had some good news and some bad news this weekend moneywise...

Bad News -
I finally recieved a letter from Mint telling me how much I owe (I thought they'd forgotten about me) and threatening court action, I called them and offered £50 a month, they weren't too pleased about that, they suggested £75, then £60, so I said I would send them my financial statement and then they could get back to me (I'm standing my ground), but I paid them £51.50 with my boyfriends debit card (don't worry I asked him first).

Good News -
I called Moneyshop and set-up a £100 a month re-payment plan and paid them £125 initial payment. Also called MBNA and Moorcroft and paid them both £50 as the direct debits aren't set-up yet (takes a month). I didn't get round to calling Wescott as I didn't have any money left by this point so I'll have to wait till next week and cross my fingers that I don't hear from them in the meantime.

Bad News -
I recieved a bill from NTL saying I owe them £78!!!!! Which will come out of my account after 1st November, don't know where I'm going to get that from yet, boyfriend still owes me £300 so I guess I'll have to ask him again.

Good News -
I've paid both the library and Specsavers, so I can cross both of those debts off!! Yay! So all in all quite an eventful weekend debt busting wise. x


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