Friday, October 27, 2006

Take action now...

I'm feeling a bit flat today, having taken the day off yesterday, unpaid, I waited for someone to come and fit a pre-payment metre for my gas and electricity supply, at 10.30 the gas man came, did his bit and left. At 12.30 the electricity man came took one look and said he's not going to have time to do it today, didn't realise I had economy 7, blah blah, will have to arrange another date!! Ok, do these people not realise that the money I lost from not working yesterday could have paid for a months worth of electricity!!
Anyway I had a couple of vouchers for free coffee so I met my mum for lunch and we got to dicussing money, and it got me thinking about what a mess I've got myself in, I'm basically looking at not having a clear credit record till I'm 35 (thats 12 years) and then I'll have to build up a decent credit score before I can even look at buying a house.
I know this is supposed to be inspiring people, but you should know its not as simple as I've probably made out, so anyone that is reading this, TAKE ACTION NOW, the longer you leave it the worse it gets. I do still feel like I'm doing well, and feel much better for not having my head burried in the sand but I just feel so silly for getting into this mess.
On a lighter note, I've now set-up standing orders for Money Shop, Natwest CC, and Mint accepted my offer of £50 per month, but I have to pay with this stupid little book I have to take to the post office and pay for the service. Can't they take Direct Debits like everyone else?


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